Original Pawleys Island QWEAVEFLAX Softweave Hammock, Flax

Original Pawleys Island
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  • Our Soft Weave Hammocks are woven from soft, all-weather OLEFIN acrylic fabric that's resistant to staining, rot, mold and mildew, and with a 1-inch center layer of polyester fiberfill batting, for added comfort.
  • Fabric thread is solution-dyed, so the earthy Flax color isn't applied afterward through washing or dipping, but goes in during the making of the thread fiber itself, becoming a permanent part of the fiber.
  • The ropes attaching the hanging hardware to the hammock bed are made from weather-tough, cottony-feeling soft-spun polyester; we precision-wind all of our own rope ourselves, to exceed even the U.S. military's exacting specifications for strength.
  • Hanging hardware, including chains, is zinc-plated steel, for a further boost in strength, and for heightened rust protection, while the grommets for connecting rope to hammock bed are brass-plated rolled-rim steel.
  • Length: 13 ft. Width: 55 in. Weight Capacity: 450 lbs: PILLOWS and STAND SOLD SEPARATELY.

  • Appearances can fool you. Have you been looking for a hammock that "looks like" cotton rope and, even more importantly, feels like cotton rope Our oatmeal colored DuraCord is just that, plus something altogether more - more durable, that is! Exceeding even U.S. military specifications for strength, our DuraCord rope is expressly made to withstand the rain, sleet, snow, sun and heat of changing seasons without the maintenance and care that constant weather exposure requires of classic cotton. DuraCord; is not only resistant to abrasion, rot, mold and mildew, but because the rope is solution-dyed, it's also resistant to staining and fading - in fact, there's no more colorfast rope available today. So you might think of DuraCord; as cotton on steroids . Hammock spreader bars are solid Southern white oak that's been hand-dipped multiple times in marine-quality varnish, to heighten the handsome hardwood's natural honey-gold hue. Hanging hardware, including chains, is galvanized steel, for a further boost in strength, and for heightened rust protection. As weather-tough as an Original Pawleys Island Hammock is, we still strongly suggest storing it in an enclosed dry place away from harsh chemicals and foraging wildlife when the hammock is going unused, or during lengthy stretches of bad weather, to help prolong the product's useful life. Note: Don't worry if your own Original Pawleys Island Rope Hammock at first seems a little shorter than its advertised length of 156" x 55"; your hammock will soon reach its full length through natural stretching from initial use. With a weight capacity of 450 lbs. there is room for you and your favorite relaxation partner!
    Brand: Original Pawleys Island, Model: QWEAVEFLAX, Color: Flax, Size: 13 ft. x 55 in.

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