Winsor & Newton Professional Water Color Tube, 37ml, Permanent Sap Green

Winsor & Newton
In Stock


Brand Winsor & Newton
Model 0114503
Color Permanent Sap Green
Size 37-ml Tube

  • The finest water color offering the widest choice of pigments & the highest possible permanence
  • Series: 1/Color Code: 503/Color Index: PG 36, PY 110
  • Permanence: A/Opacity: Transparent
  • Includes a 1.25oz/37ml tube of Winsor & Newton Professional Water Color
  • Conforms to ASTM D4236

  • Winsor & Newton Professional Water Color offers artists the widest and most balanced choice of pigments with the greatest possible permanence. The brilliance, transparency and purity of color is unparalleled to any other water color. Since 1832 when Henry Newton and William Winsor introduced the first moist water colors to the world, much of our reputation for supreme quality has stemmed from the Professional Water Color range. Since then Professional Water Color continues to be formulated and manufactured according to our founding principles. Each color within this wide and balanced spectrum of 96 colors, has been selected and formulated to offer the greatest choice so that artists can use a unique palette that best suits their work. Quinacridone Gold is a dark warm yellow color which was originally formulated for the car industry. It is a transparent color and mixes well with other pigments.

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