Reeves Liquitex Professional White Gesso Surface Prep Medium, 8-oz

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Brand Reeves
Model G5308
Color White
Size 8oz

  • Premium acrylic gesso used to prepare painting surfaces for acrylic and oil paint
  • Lightweight, non-toxic and dries to a water-resistant, non-yellowing surface
  • Includes 8-oz / 237ml bottle of medium
  • Intermixable with Liquitex Professional Acrylic Paint Colors and Mediums.
  • Conforms to ASTM D4236; Safe for educational use

  • Liquitex offers the broadest range of acrylic mediums to inspire creativity at every stage of the painting process. Surface Prep Mediums are used to seal prime and add tooth (for color adhesion) to all surfaces such as canvas wood paper and metal. This same preparation is used for both acrylic and oil paint. Our professional gessoes usually take just one coat, and adding Liquitex Soft Body color to any gesso creates customized tints and primers. Liquitex Gesso Surface Prep Medium is a premium acrylic gesso used to prepare painting surfaces for acrylic and oil paint. Excellent base coat primer for many applications, including murals; one coat is usually all that is required. Can be applied to any material or surface that will accept traditional acrylic media, such as canvas, paper, wood, etc. Liquitex Surface Prep Mediums are lightweight, non-toxic, and dry to a water-resistant, non-yellowing surface. APPLICATION: Use undiluted or thin up to 25% with water. When thinning more than 25%, use an equal mixture of water and Liquitex Matte Medium to thin gesso. Tint with up to 10% Liquitex Soft Body or Heavy Body Artist Colors. Visit our Liquitex Amazon Storefront for full product assortment.This package contains 8oz/237mL of Gesso.

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