Pebeo Vitrea 160, Glass Paint Outliner, 20 ml Tube - Emerald

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Brand Pebeo
Model 114065
Color Emerald
Size 20ml

  • Opaque, water-based, dimensional glass paint outliners for creating relief effects
  • Use in combination with Vitrea 160 transparent paints in 36 colors, 18 paint markers and several mediums
  • Once fully dry, bake for 40 minutes in a domestic oven at 160 °C (325 °F) for dishwasher, uv and microwave resistance
  • For use on all surfaces that can sustain baking instructions, including glass, crystal, porcelain, china, glazed earthenware, terracotta, metal, enameled sheet steel, and copper
  • Available in 10 colors, in 20 ml metallic tubes with a nozzle

  • With Vitrea 160's amazing opaque, dimensional glass paint outliners, you can easily create unique and permanent works on glass, crystal, porcelain, china, glazed earthenware and more. These water-based, non-toxic, professional grade outiners were developed to create unique relief effects and to contain Vitrea 160 paints. They are also completely removable until baked in a kitchen oven at 160 °C (325 °F) for 40 minutes. Once baked, the paint is permanent, microwave and dishwasher safe as well as UV and solvent resistant. Vitrea 160 Outliners come in 10 opaque colors. Available in 20 ml metal tubes with a nozzle. Conforms to ASTM D-4236. AP certified.

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