Pebeo Vitrail, Cerne Relief Dimensional Paint, 20 ml Tube with Nozzle - Vermeil Gold

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Brand Pebeo
Model 460000
Color Vermeil Gold
Size 20 ml Tubes

  • Dimensional, water-based paint outliner, ideal for creating dimension on glass and metal surfaces
  • Create outlines to contain and delineate Vitrail colors for stained glass effect, or any other liquid paint, such as Fantasy Moon and Prisme or Ceramic
  • Use in Mixed Media applications to expand creative possibilities; Apply to dry paint surfaces as a decorative finish
  • Nozzle on the metal tube allows for precision; Apply gentle pressureto the tube to release the paint
  • Available in 11 colors, in 20 ml and 37 ml tubes

  • Vitrail Cerne Relief is a water-based dimensional paint for creating unique relief effects on art pieces. This ready-to-use paint is ideal for adding designs, embellishments, and writing, as well as to create outlines to contain and delineate liquid paints such as Vitrail, Ceramic or Fantasy colors. Use in combination with other mediums for Mixed Media applications, or use with Vitrail paints for stained glass effects. Apply the paint using the tube's long, slim nozzle by squeezing the tube gently. This paint comes in 11 colors, including opaque, transparent, glitter and metallic colors. Available in 20 ml and 37 ml metal tubes with a nozzle. Conforms to ASTM D-4236.

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