M. Graham Artist Oil Paint Yellow Ochre 1.25oz/37ml Tube

M. Graham & Co.
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Brand M. Graham & Co.
Model 11-200
Color Yellow Ochre
Size 1.25 oz

  • Artist quality oil paint made with walnut oil, solvent free
  • Increased pigment loads for stronger more vibrant colors
  • Colors retain their clarity and are free from the discoloration associated with drying oils
  • Lightfast rating I Excellent ; Moderate drying time; Opaque
  • Made in the USA

  • The most beautiful and easily worked yellow ochre color produced today. Each color is made in small batches, to offer clarity, depth, richness and permanence. Our color is crafted from artists' pigments, free from extenders or adulterants and dispersed in pure non-yellowing American walnut oil, these paints provide color that is more naturally alive and brilliant. Using walnut oil allows us to increase the amount of pigment in each color, resulting in extraordinary richness, color saturation, brilliance and tinting strength. Intermixable and compatible with all other oils, varnish and mediums including alkyd resin products.

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