Liquitex Professional Freestyle Large Painting Knife No. 13

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Brand Liquitex
Model 109913
Color Black
Size No. 13

  • Ideal for Mixing, Pre-mixing, Lifting, Scraping, Scratching, Spreading, Stroking, Surface Prep, Trowelling
  • Applications: Gesso & Paint
  • Includes one painting / palette knife
  • Use with Liquitex Professional Acrylic Paint Colors and Mediums
  • Perfect for professional artists, creative hobbyists, art students, art teachers

  • At Liquitex, we understand that it takes more than just good paint to produce a truly great piece of art. That's why we've created our professional range of artists palette and painting knives. Liquitex Freestyle Knives are a perfect match for any artistic application. The complete range of 36 knives encompasses innovative and unique large scale shapes in addition to smaller more traditional knives.  These high quality knives have been crafted with the finest stainless blades that resist all wear and corrosion from any media including acrylics In addition the ergonomically designed handles add increased comfort and grip to every application.  Liquitex Freestyle Palette and Painting Knives are a perfect match for any artistic application. Liquitex Freestyle Large Scale Knives meet the expanding needs of acrylic artists working in grandiose scales. These high quality knives in the most innovative shapes and sizes have been crafted with the finest stainless blades that resist wear and corrosion. Available in varying sizes. Visit our Liquitex Amazon Storefront for full product assortment.

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