Artool Freehand Airbrush Templates, True Fire Mini Series

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Brand Artool
Model FH TF1 MS

  • Precision, laser cut templates for highly detailed effects
  • Solvent proof: great with both solvent and water based paints
  • Save time cutting frisket or acetate masks, no software of plotters needed
  • Set of three 7'' x 3'' templates
  • Includes instructional DVD by Mike Lavallee

  • Artool Freehand Airbrush Templates are must-have tools in an air brusher's arsenal of art materials. Delineate shapes by matching the contours of the Freehand Airbrush Templates with the subject matter in your artwork. Simply rotate or flip-flop the various Artool Template patterns to find the shapes which work best for hard-edge contours, or slightly raise templates to create softer-edge contours. The broad range of shapes, textures and themes is a never-ending journey for Artool to meet the needs of fine artists, illustrators, custom automotive artists and hobby enthusiasts everywhere. Many of the Artool Templates are created by well known airbrush artists, such as Craig Fraser, Mike Lavallee, Dennis Mathewson, Michael Cacy, Gerald Mendez, Ryan “Ryno” Templeton and many other acclaimed artists which have appeared on television programs, written step-by-step airbrushing books and how-to articles in national and international art publications. Nearly all of the Artool Templates are Solvent Proof and can be easily used with water-based or solvent-based paints which can be cleaned for repeated use again and again #1 Templates in Airbrushing has remained Artool's undisputed tagline for the past 20 years. Artool Freehand Airbrush Templates are routinely used and enthusiastically endorsed by artists around the world.

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