Greenworks 16-Inch PRO 80V Cordless String Trimmer (Attachment Capable), Battery Not Included GST80320

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  • Up to 45 minutes of run time with fully charged 2.0AH Battery, battery not included
  • DigiPro brushless motors are more reliable and delivers gas equivalent performance to a 32cc gas engine
  • Split boom design accepts most gas attachment, includes 14/16 inch string trimmer bump feed attachment
  • Easy load head for quick trimmer line refill and special feature is self winding spool head
  • Battery and charger not include, compatible battery and charger models GBA80200, GBA80400 and GCH8040

  • GreenWorks Pro 80V System offers a range of commercial grade tools for the professionals and those who just want more power. This 16-inch cordless string trimmer features an attachment capable power head for versatile use, compatible with most gas attachment. Light weight and easier to use, it has a variable speed trigger for power on demand, 14/16-inch cut path, .080 line diameter bump feed and die cast gear box for durability. Designed for durability and heavy duty jobs, it features a brushless motor that delivers the power and performance of a 32cc gas engine. With an extra battery on hand, you can now rip through weeds in neighborhood without the hassle of gas. Compatible batteries currently include a 2ah (model GBA80200) and 4ah (model GBA80400) battery and rapid charger (model GCH8040). The 2ah battery charges within 30 minutes so you can get back to work and finish that job. The 4ah battery charges within 1 hour.
    Brand: Greenworks, Model: GST80320, Size: Battery Not Included

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