Portals designed for feeds with small hole size like Finch mixes and Thistle. 1.1 qt. capacity (approx. 1.3 lbs).WILD BIRD FEEDERSSTOKESTHISTLE TUBE FEEDER , EA
Poly tube feeder features 6 feeding ports and will hold 1.3 quarts of thistle (nyjer) seed. Feeder dimensions: 15.5" L x 12.6" W x 12.7" D. Color: yellow. Mounting type: hanging. No. 38224: Type: Thistle Tube, Seed Type: Thistle (Nyjer), Material: Plastic, Color: Yellow, Clear, Seed Capacity: 1.3 qt, Height: 15.5", Width: 12.6", Depth: 12.7", Mounting Type: Hanging
Brand: Belle Fleur