Valvoline Advanced Full Synthetic 5W-20 Motor Oil - 1qt (Case of 6) (VV927-6PK)

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Brand Valvoline
Model VV927
Size 1 Quart (Case of 6)

  • Provides excellent engine cleanliness through superior sludge and varnish protection
  • Helps reduce engine wear at high temperatures with improved viscosity stability
  • Provides outstanding high-temperature protection under severe driving conditions
  • Provides superior cold-temperature protection through faster oil flow at start-up
  • Helps improve and maintain fuel efficiency for the life of the oil (applies to 5W30 and 10W30 grades)

  • Valvoline's SynPower Motor Oil - Delivers the ultimate performance kick. SynPower motor oil and automotive chemicals are the only full synthetic line of products that help your car achieve its performance peak. The key is Advanced Synthetic Technology which cleans and protects to put a kick into your driving experience. SynPower meets the demanding performance requirements for BMW, Corvette, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Volkswagen, Volvo and other high-performance vehicles. SynPower is an advanced, fully synthetic motor oil formulated for extreme protection and superior performance. It helps extend engine life by reducing wear and oil breakdown. Have techical questions, please feel free to call our Tech Service # 1-800-TeamVal

    Motor oil is made from crude oil and is used to lubricate, clean, and cool engines. Types of motor oil include conventional, synthetic, diesel, bio-based, hybrid (blends of conventional and synthetic), and recycled oils. Motor oil varies in weight and viscosity, as well as additives that some manufacturers add to the oil during the refining process. A numerical code system created by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) grades motor oils according to viscosity--the higher the number between 0 and 60, the more viscous (thicker) the oil is. Most consumer motor oils are graded by two numbers, with the first number indicating cold weather (Winter or "W") performance.

    SAE 5W-20

    This oil has a weight of SAE 5W-20, meaning it has an SAE viscosity rating of 5 in cold temperatures and a rating of 20 at normal operating temperature. Always check your vehicle's owner's manual to verify that this is the correct weight of motor oil for your vehicle.

    Full Synthetic Oil

    This oil is a full synthetic oil, meaning crude oil is not used in making it. Synthetic oil can be used in vehicle engines instead of motor oils refined from crude oil, and often provides superior mechanical performance over traditional motor oil, including increased gas mileage and reduced engine wear at extreme temperatures. Its complex method of production means it can often cost more than conventional motor oil.

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