SpillTech WPB100S Polypropylene Oil-Only SonicBonded Singleweight Mat Pad, 19" Length x 15" Width, White (Pack of 100)

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  • Fast-acting for quick response
  • High absorbency keeps it on the job longer
  • Ultrasonic bond points keep mat intact
  • Color-coding helps you visually identify the right sorbent for your needs
  • Measures 19-inches length by 15-inches width

  • SpillTech SonicBonded mat pads control spills and overspray to help keep floors dry and safe. A layer of MeltBlown polypropylene creates high surface area that enables SonicBonded mat to quickly soak up liquids on contact. A random assembly of large-diameter MeltBlown poly fibers creates a lofty layer. Mat absorbs high volumes of liquid fast. Great for catching overspray or soaking up spills. Ultrasonic bond points fuse layers of fibers together - mat keeps its shape even when completely saturated. Top layer of lint-free spunbond fabric provides extra strength. "Dimples" add fast-wicking power. Spunbond top layer allows for better-defined perforations and cleaner, easier tear-offs. Pads are perfed vertically at 7.5-inches. Color-coding helps you visually identify the right sorbent for your needs. Bright white designates oil-only sorbency for oil and other petroleum-based fluids - but not water; makes it easy to identify when saturated. Absorbency: up to 19.9 ounces per pad. It is singleweight and incinerable. Measures 19-inches length by 15-inches width.
    Brand: SpillTech, Model: WPB100S, Color: White

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