Red Line 75W140 Synthetic Gear Oil (1 Qt.)

Red Line Oil
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  • Redline

  • The Red Line 75W140 Gear Oil is the preferred product in nearly all car and light truck differentials, both conventional and limited-slip. Designed to provide the highest degree of protection and greatest efficiency for your drivetrain. Contains polyol ester base-stocks to provide excellent lubrication even under extreme conditions of high-loading and high-temperatures. The Red Line 75W140 Gear Oil's natural lubricity provides excellent slipperiness which reduces the sliding friction in hypoid gears to reduce wear and temperatures. The synthetic base-stocks have a natural multigrade property, so large amounts of unstable thickeners are not required to manufacture the gear oil, which means that the Red Line 75W140 Gear Oil will provide a stable viscosity for even extended periods of use.- Recommended for street-driven road car differentials where that viscosity is specified, providing excellent performance in both conventional and limited slip units. Popular in late-model Ford truck rear differentials as well as many other common models.
    Brand: Red Line Oil

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