Permatex 84115 5-minute Plastic Weld Adhesive, 0.84 oz.

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  • Structural adhesive designed for general purpose bonding of a wide variety of materials
  • Forms a tough, durable bond to most plastics, composites, ceramics and wood in any combination
  • Requires no primers, sets in five minutes at room temperature
  • Permanent strength up to 3500 PSI
  • Suggested Applications: Bonds rigid materials including ABS, acrylic, fiberglass, FRP, glass, PVC, SMC, steel, styrene, vinyl, and wood. Use for interior trim, fills cracks, bonds most plastic, bonds plastic to vinyl

  • Permatex PermaPoxy 5 Minute Plastic Weld is a structural adhesive designed for general purpose bonding of a wide variety of materials. This weld forms a tough, durable bond to most plastics, composites, ceramics and wood in any combination. A fast curing product with gelling of mixed adhesive in 5 – 6 minutes and fixturing in 9 – 10 minutes, it bonds hard and soft plastics to specified surfaces. Requires no primers, sets in five minutes at room temperature, with a cream appearance. Gap filling to 0.125 inch, with a permanent strength up to 3500 PSI. Temperature range of -60 degrees Fahrenheit to 250 degrees Fahrenheit, with good chemical resistance and water resistance. NOTE: Will not bond most polyethylene or polypropylene plastics. Permatex offers convenient solutions for a wide range of bonding applications. Available in many packaging configurations, Permatex epoxies are versatile and easy-to-use. From general-purpose to material-specific, Permatex offers a formulation that will work for you.
    Brand: Permatex, Model: 84115, Color: Black, Size: 0.84 Ounce

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