Permatex 81343-12PK Anti-Seize Lubricant, 1 oz. Tube (Pack of 12)

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  • Highly refined blend of aluminum, copper and graphite lubricants
  • Salt, corrosion and moisture resistant, this lubricant is ideal for marine use
  • Prevents galling, corrosion and seizing and to assure easier disassembly
  • Lubricates door hinges, latches, garage door tracks, brake cables, chains, air tools, and thousands of other applications
  • Temperature range: -60F to 1600F

  • Permatex Anti-Seize Lubricant is a highly refined blend of aluminum, copper and graphite lubricants, for use during assembly to prevent galling, corrosion and seizing, and to assure easier disassembly. Featuring salt, corrosion and moisture resistance, this lubricant is ideal for marine use. With a temperature range from -60 degrees Fahrenheit to 1600 degrees Fahrenheit, it will not evaporate or harden in extreme temperatures. From job-specific lubricants to the rigors of heavy-duty needs, count on Permatex to bring you reliability and problem-solving solutions that extend the life of your equipment.
    Brand: Permatex, Model: 81343-12PK, Size: Pack of 12

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