Pennzoil 550046127 Platinum 5 quart 0W-20 Full Synthetic Motor Oil (SAE, SN/GF-5 Jug)

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Brand Pennzoil
Model 550046127
Size Pack of 1

  • Provides better protection from friction
  • Helps protect engines from loss of power
  • Provides Faster low temperature oil flow and protects in extreme heat
  • Keeps pistons cleaner
  • Made from natural gas

  • Pennzoil 550038111 platinum SAE 0W-20 full synthetic motor oil uses Pure Plus technology. Pure plus technology is a revolutionary gas to liquid process which converts natural gas into a first of its kind extremely high quality full synthetic base oil. It keeps your pistons up to 40 percent cleaner than required by the toughest industry standard. Keeps your engine cleaner than any leading synthetic oil. The oil gives you better fuel economy and offers optimal performance in extreme temperatures. Designed to keep your vehicle running efficiently, the Pennzoil motor oil extends the life of many car and truck components.

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