New Pig Mat Universal Oil Absorbent Shop Roll 15"X50'

New Pig Corporation
In Stock


Brand New Pig Corporation
Model 7576133

  • Mat lasts two times longer
  • speeds wicking of liquid throughout mat for easy cleanup
  • Absorbs common industrial liquids
  • Funnel works in temps from -30F to 425F
  • Works with most automotive fluids

  • Genuine PIG Mat is the better way to soak up drips, spills and splatters and spend more time repairing vehicles. Easier to use than floor sweep so it reduces cleanup time. And with no damaging dust and grit to track around, the shop stays cleaner! Eight layers of 100% polypropylene are thermally bonded to make PIG Mat the strongest mat on the market; won't rip, fray or fall apart, even when saturated. Compact, grab-and-go Roll size is great for mobile techs. Lightweight Mat gives you a low "cost per toss" for drips, small spills and wipe-and-go cleanups. Exclusive dimple pattern speeds wicking of liquid toward dry spots on Mat, so messes disappear fast, cleanup is simple and you use each section of the roll to full capacity. Easy-tear perforations let you take only what you need; more efficient to save money and eliminate waste. Can be air-dried for reuse when soaked with water or washer fluid. Dark gray color hides grime, so Mat can stay on the job longer and still look clean.

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