Motul 847205-12PK RBF 660 Factory Line Dot-4 100 Percent Synthetic Racing Brake Fluid - 500 ml, (Case Pack of 12)

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  • For hydraulic actuated brake and clutch systems
  • Non-silicone synthetic fluid
  • Extreme thermal resistance and stability
  • Very high boiling point (325 degree centigrade / 617 degree Fahrenheit)
  • Better aerodynamic performance

  • This is used or hydraulic actuated brake and clutch systems requiring non-silicone synthetic fluid. It is specially designed to resist to extreme temperature generated by racing carbon and ceramic brakes allowing minimizing air entrance for brake cooling. It can be also used with conventional steel discs and clutch systems actuators. It widely exceeds DOT 3, DOT 4 and DOT 5.1 standards (except for DOT 5.1 viscosity at - 40 degree centigrade). It has extreme thermal resistance and stability due to very high boiling point (325 degree centigrade / 617 degree Fahrenheit), hence is superior to conventional DOT 5.1 non silicone base / DOT 5 silicone base fluids (260 degree centigrade / 500 degree Fahrenheit mini) and DOT 4 (230 degree centigrade / 446 degree Fahrenheit mini). This enables effective brake even in extreme conditions. Better aerodynamic performance by reducing air entrance for brake cooling on cars. It is efficient when rainy with very high wet boiling point (205 degree centigrade / 401 degree Fahrenheit) superior to conventional DOT 5.1 non-silicone base fluid (180 degree centigrade / 356 degree Fahrenheit mini) and DOT 4 (155 degree centigrade / 311 degree Fahrenheit mini) enables to keep efficient braking while rainy. Brake fluids tend to absorb humidity from the air, which reduce boiling point and increase the risk to get to "vapor lock" phenomena. The wet boiling point is measured by humidifying the product with about 3.5 percentage of water.
    Brand: Motul, Model: 101667, Size: 500 Milliliter, (Pack of 12)

    Custom Tab 01

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