Mobil 1 94001 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil - 1 Quart (Pack of 6)

Mobil 1
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  • Outstanding wear protection
  • Excellent high- and low-temperature performancePours at temperatures as low as -53ºF . It can withstand high temperatures of up to 500 degrees fahrenheit
  • Improved protection against sludge and harmful deposits

  • Mobil 1 5W-30 is an ILSAC GF-4 energy conserving viscosity that provides excellent all season protection. This product also meets the requirements for diesel-powered vehicles where an API CF or CD oil is recommended. Mobil 1 5W-30 is recommended for all types of modern vehicles, including high-performance turbo-charged, supercharged gasoline and multi-valve fuel injected engines found in passenger cars, SUVs, light vans and trucks.Mobil 1 5W-30 is a general purpose engine oil for all types of vehicles where a 5W-30 viscosity is recommended. Mobil 1 is not recommended for 2-Cycle or aviation engines, unless specifically approved by the manufacturer.As are all Mobil 1 products, it is designed to provide outstanding wear protection, maintain excellent engine cleanliness, and the performance reserve to keep engines in newer cars running smooth and clean. The Mobil 1 5W-30 grade delivers the viscosity recommended for most General Motors vehicles and many imports. Mobil 1 5W-30 is the approved and the first choice of premium car manufacturers, including Corvette. Mobil 1 5W-30 meets:GM 6094M, GM 4718M (Corvette spec), Ford WSS-M2C929-A, ACEA A1/B1, ILSAC GF-4 (API Certified - Starburst).If you want total engine protection, excellent fuel economy and a product recommended for applications under warranty, you want Mobil 1. The world's leading synthetic motor oil, it features a proprietary SuperSyn anti-wear technology that provides performance beyond conventional motor oils. Technology that allows Mobil 1 to exceed the toughest standards of Japanese, European and U.S. car builders -- and to provide exceptional protection against engine wear, under normal or even the most extreme conditions.
    Brand: Mobil 1, Model: 94001, Size: 1 Quart (32 Ounce), (Pack of 6)

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