Lucas Oil 10120 2-Cycle Oil - 16 oz.

Lucas Oil
In Stock


Brand Lucas Oil
Model 10120
Size 16 Ounce

  • Clean burning "Smokeless"
  • Mixes well with gasoline at all temperatures
  • Meets requirements for "low smoke" oils
  • Low ash
  • Suitable for use in air-cooled engines

  • Lucas High Performance Semi-Synthetic 2 CYCLE Oil has been specifically developed to give a long trouble-free life to gasoline-powered 2-cycle engines. Designed for any oil injection system or pre mix up to 50:1. Use in snowmobiles, weed eaters, leaf blowers, chain saws and more. Lucas High Performance Semi-Synthetic 2 Cycle Racing Oil uses an advanced "Smokeless" formula specially blended from mineral oil, synthetic oil and a low ash additive package containing fortified dispersant inhibitors. It also contains exclusive detergents and lubricants. The end result of this advanced technology is a more thorough burning of the fuel resulting in more power and fewer emissions. Lucas ash less detergent inhibitor package minimizes spark plug fouling, pre-ignition, ring sticking and combustion chamber deposits. The user can expect cleaner exhaust ports and spark plugs, less carbon buildup on the piston rings, skirts, crown and under crown areas.

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