LubriMatic 11564 Power Pro Synthetic Blend 80w/90 Marine Lower Unit Gear Lube, 1 Quart

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Brand LubriMatic
Model 11564
Size , 1 Pack

  • Lubrication synthetic blend 80W/90 marine lower Unit Lube is a synthetic blend gear Lube that protects high performance lower units in extreme operating conditions
  • Designed specifically for high performance marine use to protect against extreme operating conditions; Offers superior water demulsibility
  • Lowers operating temperatures of the lower gear Unit by reducing the coefficient of heat and friction; Includes a higher additive package than normal lower Unit lubes
  • Recommended for use in all domestic and foreign lower units; this product meets or exceeds API GL-5 and mt-1 service classifications; highly recommended for all engines over 100 HP
  • 1 Quart bottle

  • For more than 40 years, LubriMatic has been developing and distributing superior lubrication products. Part of the Plews & edelmann family of products, LubriMatic serves the industrial, hardware, marine, automotive and agricultural markets, as well as many industries requiring professional grade lubricants and penetrants.

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