CRC 03204 Chute Lube Silicone Lubricant Spray, 20oz Aerosol ( Net fill : 11oz. )

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  • Colorless, odorless,non-staining film lubricates and protects in most metal to non-metal applications
  • Eliminates the binding and sticking of packages and boxes
  • Good surface contact in wet conditions
  • Low surface tension allows for better coverage and deeper penetration
  • Harmless to most rubbers and plastics
  • NSF H2 Registered

  • CRC Chute Lube silicone lubricant. Chute Lube is an NSF H2 registered, silicone spray for package handling applications. It forms a colorless, odorless, non-staining film that lubricates and protects in most metal to non-metal applications. Chute Lube eliminates the binding and sticking of packages and boxes, while protecting most surfaces. Chute Lube helps boxes glide down chutes and rails on package handling and sorting conveyors. Special additive makes Chute Lube effective in wet conditions. Wide temperature range. Effective from -40 to 400 degrees F. Low surface tension. Allows for better coverage and deeper penetration. Lubricates without attracting dirt and other harmful contaminants. Non-hardening film. Minimizes corrosion and provides excellent lubricity. Good surface contact in wet conditions. Reduces galling and friction. Eases metal-to-non-metal contact areas. Harmless to most rubbers and plastics. Applications includes recommended to lubricate package handling equipment, food processing equipment, chutes, guides, rails conveyors, bottling machinery, slicers, ovens, freezers, knives and saws.
    Brand: CRC, Model: 03204, Color: Clear/Light Yellow

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