Mr. Sketch 1905069 Scented Markers, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors, 12-Count

Mr. Sketch
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  • Assortment - Black, Blue, Brown, Dark Green, Green, Magenta, Pink, Turquoise Blue, Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow
  • Catalog Publishing Type - Markers-Product Group
  • Color(s) - Assorted
  • Compliance, Standards - AP Certified Nontoxic

  • Colors are bright and vivid. Mr. Sketch markers have twice the ink of most markers to last super-long. The smooth-flowing bevel-tip makes sketching easier. The tip is sturdy to keep its shape even after months of coloring. The specially formulated, non-bleeding water-based ink is great for easels. It's safe for children and certified AP non-toxic. Each color has its own fun scent to feed your imagination. See product description for all color scent combinations. Includes magenta, pink, red, orange, yellow, light green, dark green, turquoise, light blue, blue, light purple, purple, brown, and black. Mr. Sketch color scent combinations are: Red Cherry; Orange Orange; Peach Peach; Yellow Lemon; Light Yellow Banana Split; Mint Green Tropical Punch; Green Mint; Dark Green Apple; Turquoise Mango; Light Blue Blue Raspberry Slushy; Blue Blueberry; Purple Grape; Lavender Cotton Candy; Hot Pink Melon; Magenta Raspberry; Petal Pink Bubble Gum; Black Licorice; Brown Cinnamon.
    Brand: Mr. Sketch, Model: 1905069, Color: Assorted Colors, Size: 12-Count

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