Canon Tray G CD/DVD Tray Replacement to Print On Inkjet Printable PVC Cards
Tray Measures 130mm x 253mm
Holds 2 Inkjet PVC cards to print 2 cards at a time (always put 2 cards in the tray, even if only printing 1 card)
Inkjet PVC Cards Sold Separately
Create High Quality ID Cards for a fraction of the price of a PVC Card Printer
This tray is made to work with printers that use the Canon Tray G CD/DVD Tray (130mm x 253mm). You must print on Inkjet Printable PVC cards, normal PVC cards will not absorb the ink when printed on. Works with the following printers: Canon IP4600, Canon IP4680, Canon IP4700, Canon IP4760, Canon IP4810, Canon IP4820, Canon IP4840, Canon IP4850, Canon IP4880, Canon IP4910, Canon IP4920, Canon IP4950, Canon IP4980, Canon MG5220, Canon MG5240, Canon MG5250, Canon MG5320, Canon MG5350, Canon MG6120, Canon MG6140, Canon MG6150, Canon MG6220, Canon MG8140, Canon MG8150, Canon MG8220, Canon MG8240, Canon MP630, Canon MP640, Canon MP980, Canon MP990. It should also work with most Canon printers that use a 130mm x 253mm size DVD/CD printing tray (Tray G). Please measure your tray if your printer isn't listed. Always place two cards in the tray, even when only printing on a single card. If you don't the printer may reject the tray. Brand: Brainstorm ID, Model: canontray
Custom Tab 01
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