Brand New EIKI LC-X80 (610-334-2788) Replacement Lamp With Housing
180 days warranty. Ships from Texas, USA. If you don't see the right price, click on the link under More Buying Options.
VStar partner with YODN to bring you high quality projector lamps at competitive price. We buy lamp modules directly from YODN and eliminate all middle layer cost and pass the savings to our buyers.
YODN is a primary manufacturer of specialty lighting. YODN's lamps are made from the best materials with top quality control processes.
We only sell YODN lamps. We know YODN means high quality lamps with competitive price. There are several "manufacturers" that try to copy the projector lamp manufacturers. Don't be fooled. The lamps from cheap copy cats do not last as long or provide the same brightness, durability and quality of light beam necessary to fully enjoy your projector.
YODN: High Quality Lamps at Competitive Price. - The Burner The Burner is the most important component of a Projector Lamp. YODN has its own Burner Factory in Taiwan. The equipment to manufacture a burner costs over $33M USD. Only the top manufactures like YODN can affort it. Making their own burner allows YODN to have better quality control. A serial number is assigned to each burner. The serial number is tracked throughout the manufacturing process and assigned to the lamp. Every lamp goes through a full testing procedure before being accepted for sale. - Warranty The high quality controll allows YODN to provide the best warranty - 180 days Brand: YODN, Model: 610-334-2788
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