Corporate Projection lamps are Guaranteed Compatible! BEWARE OF OTHER SELLERS ATTEMPTING TO SELL OUR BRAND, NO OTHER COMPANY CARRIES CP PRODUCTS!Corporate Projection Lamps come with a NO HASSLE 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!Corporate Projection Lamps are covered by a 180 Day Warranty!Corporate Projection Lamps are NOT MADE IN CHINA!Corporate Projection Lamps always meet Original Lamp Standards, and at Corporate Projection we take pride in knowing our product will shine above the rest!
You are viewing a brand new lamp module, it is the entire lamp kit required for ease of installation into your Projector! Simple and easy! This model works with the following models: XG-P25XE, XGP25XE, XG-P25X, XGP25X
Brand: Corporate Projection, Model: ANP25LP