Handheld printer with keyboard creates multi-line labels for clear identification of wires, panels, circuit boards, and other industrial items, and has a tough exterior with molded rubber bumpers for impact resistance
Keyboard contains letters A to Z and numbers 0 to 9, and the text displays on the LCD screen as it is typed
Text prints in a single color and in 6 font sizes (6 to 40 point)
Continuous tape cartridges (sold separately) enable labels of varying widths
Six AA alkaline batteries power the printer for portability
Brady BMP21-PLUS Label Printer is tough on the outside and smart on the inside. BMP21-PLUS has ultra rugged construction and world class materials combined in a toolbox-ready fit-in-your-palm label printer that produces continuous-only labels up to 3/4" wide. Choose from 70 label parts across 8 incredibly durable materials including self-laminating wire markers, heat-shrink wire sleeves, cable flags, 8-to-10-year outdoor vinyl, nylon cloth wire and panel labels, terminal block and patch panel labels, and chemical-resistant polyester and polypropylene. When it comes to durability, the BMP21-PLUS has heavy-duty molded-rubber impact bumpers and an optional hard carry case, and it has been drop-tested to MIL drop-test standards. Industry-specific features include backlit display for low-light work areas, one-touch setup for aire, flagging, T-block, patchpanel and breaker box apps, and 125 symbols for electrical, datacom, A/V, smart home and safety. Unique features include a built-in label grabber device that prevents your cut label from falling to the ground after it's cut, one-handed label cut operation, and an optional magnet accessory for mounting the printer to a metal panel or surface for hands-free operation. Operates on (6) AA batteries, optional rechargeable Li-ION battery, or optional AC adapter. 2 year warranty included. Brand: Brady, Model: BMP21-PLUS
Custom Tab 01
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