Kidsme Food Feeder, Medium, Orange

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  • Safety and quality: BPA free and FDA tested. Recommended for 4 months. Choose the size of the feeder according to the width of the child's mouth. Top-rack dishwasher safe.
  • Establish Safety and Healthy Eating: Allow your child to eat fresh food without the risk of choking. Replaceable silicone sacs are available in two different sizes.
  • Award Winning Feeder: Unique patent design, improved from traditional mesh bag feeders. Silicone sac makes for easy cleaning, does not retain odors, encourages chewing, more natural and comfortable to the baby.
  • Textured Teether: Designed with textured silicone surface works best with frozen fruit or ice cube to soothe teething pain and massage baby's gum.
  • Secure and Convenient: Shuts and locks easily with the childproof snap lock. Easy to grasp. Cap helps keep silicone sac and food clean.

  • Our award winning Food Feeder is the original silicone feeder developed to let little ones safely and independently explore new tastes and textures. The innovative, yet simple, design helps introduce fresh foods at an early age, and gives babies a head start towards a lifetime of healthy eating.
    Brand: Kidsme, Model: 160350BO, Color: Orange, Size: Medium

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