Fisher-Price Discover 'n Grow Twinkling Lights Projector Mobile

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  • Soft glowing characters twinkle and twirl overhead as music plays
  • The soft gentle music will play for up to 15 minutes
  • Restart the mobile without disturbing baby with the remote control
  • As baby grows,you can remove the mobile and project the show on the ceiling
  • Bright colors and smiling faces offer visual stimulation

  • What is Fisher-Price Discover 'n Grow Twinkling Lights Projector Mobile

    Imagine a ceiling full of twinkling stars…as if nature shares a sparkling blanket to soothe your little one. Animal friends glow like lanterns as they move. And up to 15 minutes of gentle music helps transform baby's crib into a place of comfort and serenity.

    Baby will love to be soothed to sleep under the stars with sweet animal friends.Easy to use handheld remote lets you restart without disturbing baby
    Twinkle, Twinkle

    Baby will love drifting off to sleep under the stars with sweet animal friends. Twinkling starlight ceiling projection sets a calming scene as glowing animal friends gently move up and down overhead in rhythmic patterns. High-contrast, spinning bumblebees, a cast of colorful animals, and up to 15 minutes of gentle music helps transform baby's crib into a place of comfort and serenity.

    Develop & Grow

    Important skills are developing as baby drifts off to dreamland. Baby will gain a stronger sense of security and happiness as the long-lasting crib soother helps keep a consistent bedtime routine.High-contrast patterns, twinkling stars, glowing animals, and relaxing music stimulate baby's senses. Older babies will learns how to make things happen by pressing the button on the crib side soother.

    Quiet Play

    A remote control lets you restart without disturbing baby. And as baby grows, the mobile easily converts a long-lasting crib soother. Includes power and volume control.

    Help Baby Get Comfy

    Help baby learn to self-soothe. The gently glowing animals, ceiling projection, and calming music soothe baby when it's time to wind down and relax. Switch the settings until you find one that's especially comforting to your little one's routine.

    High-contrast patterns, twinkling stars, glowing animals, and relaxing music stimulate baby's senses
    What's in the Box

    Includes one Fisher-Price Rainforest Discover 'n Grow Twinkling Lights Projector Mobile.

  • Easily converts to a crib soother as baby grows
  • Twinkling starlight ceiling projection
  • Colorful scene of animal friends to keep baby company
  • Animal characters glow like lanterns, moving up & down in rhythmic patterns
  • High-contrast, spinning bumblebees
  • Remote lets you restart without disturbing baby!
  • Power/volume control for quiet play
  • Up to 15 minutes of lullabies & classical music

  • Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: W2622, Color: blue, Size: infant

    Custom Tab 01

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