Bacati Stars Muslin 3 Piece Toddler Bedding Sheet Set, Pink

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  • 3 pc Toddler Bedding Sheet Set includes Flat sheet, fitted sheet and pillow case
  • Breathable: open weave allows for airflow,
  • Comfy: the more you wash it, the softer it gets, Machine washable, gets softer with every wash.

  • Welcome your little one with this Bacati - Muslin Stars Toddler Bed Sheet Set. Bacati 3 pc Toddler Bedding Sheet Set includes Fitted Sheet made with 100% cotton muslin fabrics, elastic edges Size: 52 x 27 x 7 inches, Flat Sheet Fitted on one side (it helps to hold the flat sheet to the mattress and easy to manage for your child) and flat on the other side made with 100% cotton muslin fabrics, and Standard Pillowcase (100% cotton muslin). Pre-washed to give that heirloom look. It is machine washable and gets softer with every wash. With gorgeous shades of Grey and white, 3 pc Toddler set creates a dream room for your toddler. This set coordinates with the rest of Bacati - Muslin Sports Bedding Collection. Cotton is a green fabric as it is renewable resource & biodegradable. Cotton is breathable making it more comfortable in extreme climates. Cotton is inherently soft delicate on skin of babies, durable; user friendly. Cottons gentle quality makes it appropriate for people with very sensitive skin or skin allergies. Pre-washed to give that heirloom look. It is machine washable and gets softer with every wash. With gorgeous shades of Grey and white, Muslin Crib Fitted sheets and other accessories are also available to purchase separately.
    Brand: Bacati, Model: STPKM3RSS, Color: Pink, Size: 3 pc Toddler Bed Sheet Set

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