Toysmith Original Silly Putty Pack #104-48 12 PACK

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Brand Toysmith

  • Pack of 12

  • Bouncing, moldable fun in a red egg. Silly Putty, The Real Solid Liquid, has been the classic standard of excellent fun since 1950. Silly Putty is a very unique substance.It stretches without breaking, yet it can be snapped off cleanly. It bounces higher than a rubber ball. It floats if you shape it in a certain way, yet sinks if shaped in other ways. It can pick up pencil marks from pages and comics from some newspapers. If you slam it with a hammer, it keeps its shape, yet if you push with a light, even pressure, it will flatten with ease. Silly Putty is impervious to rot, yet soft and malleable. It can be stretched many times its length without tearing. Silly Putty is recommended for children ages 3 and older. Pack of 12.

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