Scientific Explorer Slime Science Mini Lab

Scientific Explorer
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  • Your own personal slime laboratory to mix together different materials and create 5 different types of slime
  • Make Glooze, Wiggly Wonder, Power Putty, Flip-Flop and Sewer Slime
  • Act like a real scientist by keeping track of the special properties and the different effects from changes in the slime recipes
  • Includes 2 recipe cards, glue bottle, liquid starch, guar gum, filter, measuring spoon, borax, cornstarch, measuring cup and instructions
  • Recommended for children 6 years of age and older

  • Scientific Explorer Slime Science mini lab is your own personal slime laboratory where you can mix together different materials to create 5 different types of slime. What do you think of when you think of slime You might think of the classic horror movie slime. Imagine how moist and sticky it feels. Once you pick it up it slowly oozes through your fingers. These facts are just a few of the properties of the slime you'll be creating with chemistry and science. The 12-page instruction manual includes 7 different activities that involves creating Glooze, Wiggly Wonder, Power Putty, Flip-Flop and Sewer Slime mixtures, each with special properties that you'll hopefully find useful and fun. This kit will have you acting like a real scientist so you'll want to make sure to keep a lab notebook handy to keep track of the special properties and the effects from changes in the slime recipes. This fun and safe science kit is great for understanding different properties, understanding chemistry and makes a great activity for parties, school projects and science fairs. This kit includes 2 recipe cards, a glue bottle, liquid starch, guar gum, filter, measuring spoon, borax, cornstarch, measuring cup and instruction booklet. Recommended for children 8 years of age and older.
    Brand: Scientific Explorer, Model: 2021, Color: Green

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