Plastic Magic Wand Black & White Spell Casting Stick for Wizard Witch Magician Costume, Party Favors, Birthday Games Kit

Super Z Outlet
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  • Find the inner magic inside of you with the most recognizable prop for any magician is the classic magic wand. The magic wand allows anyone to perform illusionary spells or make objects disappear. A classic staple in magic shows to captivate the audience.
  • Add more to the fun with child friendly props that are designed for young hands and ideal for beginners like top hats, a black cape and white gloves. The magic stick also makes a fitting accessory for a full-on magician costume for Halloween.
  • The most important piece of equipment in a magician's bag that also works just as well for wizards and witches. This wand brings together a fantastic magic show for family and friends! If you're throwing a magic-themed party, hand these out as fun party favors and prizes.
  • Have a magic wand appears at your fingertips! Entertaining accessory for props in photobooths at birthdays, weddings and school functions. This package is perfect for a magician themed birthday party, or any dress up play event.
  • Traditional magic wand designmade of plastic. A simple black and white color. Designed with black plastic magic wand with white tips. Magic baton measures at 10" inches long and 0.5" inch wide.

  • Time gather the entire family for fun nights. Perfect for las vegas decorations theme, novelty gifts, birthday party favors and much more! Turn it into a funny gimmick play magic trick kid show prop with a bulk package of magician costume sets. Abra Kadabra! This black magic wand is a key instrument for any young illusionist. The traditional magic wand can be used to direct an audience's attention, help with your illusions and by tapping your tricks it can even be used to create the magic itself. The magical costume kit is the perfect outfit for birthday parties, masquerades and Halloween festivities. Very delicate design and attractive magic trick prop for little children.

    NOTICE: The "Super Z Outlet" seller is the only authorized seller, we do not sell wholesale so there should be NO other sellers; Any other sellers are illegally selling their own products using our registered Trademarked company name. In this listing, purchasing from any seller other than "Super Z Outlet" will result in a potentially faulty product that may be unsafe and cause injury. Please be sure to purchase this product from the "Super Z Outlet" seller to avoid any problems with your product and to ensure both your safety and satisfaction. Manufacturer's warranty included only when purchased from Super Z Outlet.

    Brand: Super Z Outlet, Color: Black, Size: 10" x 0.5"

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