A fantastic circus show is about to begin. Let's gather all together to enjoy a great shadow puppets story.
These puppets are intended for tots aged 3 to 12.
Size: 10.5x8"
Material: Printed paper
These shadow puppets offer a circus theme, ideal for making up tales of what happens beneath the big top! While creating special moments at bedtime, they also help develop your child's growing imagination.
Conduct your own Shadow Puppet show with these charming Shadow Puppets from Moulin Roty.With a lamp and a little imagination, they also make fabulous props for bedtime stories! Each puppet is made of black laser-cut cardboard, with a wooden holding stick. Comes with 11 shadow puppets including an elephant, lion, clown, tightrope walker and more. Brand: Moulin Roty, Model: MR711017
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