Improved look with all the same great features that make drawing with Doodle Pro convenient
Barbie Themed for that special Barbie Fan
Includes a large drawing screen, easy slider eraser, and 2 Special Stencils
Two handles and a centrally located pen make drawing on-the-go easy
Fun for all kids who have their creative side
Kid Tough Doodler - Barbie Kid Tough Doodler with 2 Stencils - Limited Edition By Fisher Price:From the ManufacturerDoodle Pro has an improved look with all the same great features that make drawing with Doodle Pro convenient. Includes a large drawing screen, easy slider eraser, and 2 snap fit shaped stampers. Two handles and a centrally located pen make drawing on-the-go easy. Fun for all kids who have their creative side.Product DescriptionNow Doodle ProTM has a new look with all the same great features that make drawing with Doodle Pro convenient! Includes a large drawing screen, easy slider eraser, and 2 snap fit shaped stampers. Two handles and a centrally located pen make drawing on-the-go easy.Comes in red or purple - Please let us choose for you.Recommended Ages: 3 years & up Brand: Fisher-Price
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