Great introduction to this fun and exciting art form
Perform X-Ray Color Vision Box, Handkerchief Vanisher, Scarves from Empty Hat and many more tricks
Includes hat, rabbit rings and token, plastic lollipop, magic wand, coin and box, magic cube and box, hanky vanisher, magic cards and thumb tip
Recommended for children 8 years of age and older
Ideal Ryan Oakes' Magic Hat Set is the ultimate kit for the aspiring magician! Filled with over 75 easy-to-learn tricks and high quality props, this set will teach children to perform the same tricks as professional magicians such as “Disappearing Salt”, “Traveling Handkerchief”, “The Vanishing Ace” and many more. The tricks you'll learn in this set are a great introduction to this fun and exciting art form. This set includes a hat, magic wand, props and the “Secrets of 75 Magic Tricks” step-by-step instruction booklet. Children will wow their audiences and amaze even themselves as they learn all the great secrets of illusion from Ryan Oakes, one of the most accomplished young magicians in North America. The set includes collapsible hat, 2 rabbit rings, rabbit token, plastic lollipop, magic wand, coin box, printed card, angel coin, magic cube, cube box, hanky vanisher, 2 magic cards, thumb tip and instructions. Recommended for children 8 years of age and older. Brand: Ideal, Model: 0C2719, Color: _
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