Mesmerizing, educational kinetic sculpture and interactive "flow toy"
Folds flat and pops open, surprising everyone
Interactive: Rolls along your arms and can be passed from one arm to another
Diameter 5" when flat. All handmade, exact size may vary
Great gift for science and math lovers!
The original toroflux from Flowtoys - don't be fooled by counterfeits! Mesmerizing kinetic spring toy • Interactive 4th-dimensional "slinky" • Folds flat & pops open like magic • Rolls along your arm • Meditative • Endlessly entertaining • Comes with a carrying bag to share the fun. Important: The toroflux is made of a single strand of thin metal. If it's bent or if one or more of the coils is pulled hard or roughly, it can deform and will not handle as designed. Please note we cannot replace torofluxes that have been misused or deformed for free. However our warranty applies and you can send back a kinked toroflux for a half-price replacement. Flow rings and other counterfeit toroflux reproductions are not covered by our lifetime warranty. Brand: Flowtoys
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