Flexible Magnet Sheet With Adhesive & Project Idea Sheet, 0.020" Thick, 5" Wide, 8" Length (Pack of 1)

Small Parts
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  • Flexible sheet is magnetic on one side and adhesive on the reverse
  • Adhesive backing is protected by a peel-off liner
  • Strength rating is 60 pounds of pull per foot
  • Withstands temperatures from 0 to 150 degrees F
  • Project sheet provides ideas for use

  • The flexible magnet sheet is magnetic on one side and adhesive on the reverse, and can be adhered to flat, lightweight items to make them magnetic. The sheet has a strength rating of 60 pounds of pull per foot. The adhesive backing has a peel-off liner, which protects the adhesive from exposure to air until ready for use. The sheet withstands temperatures from 0 to 150 degrees F and can be cut with scissors, knife, or die. A project idea sheet is included.

    Flexible magnets can be easily cut and shaped for a range of applications. They are produced by mixing powdered iron or ferrite with a rubber or plastic binder, and then extruding or rolling into the desired shape. Flexible magnets can have adhesive backing and be laminated with a printable vinyl coating. Flexible magnets are typically magnetized with multiple poles on one surface to generate a stronger holding force. High-energy flexible magnets can sometimes be used in place of ceramic materials if tight tolerances are not required. The application temperature range is determined by binder material properties.

    Brand: Small Parts

    Custom Tab 01

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