Lithonia Lighting TDD LED 1 40K 120 PE M4 Area LED Luminaire Area Light, Grey

Lithonia Lighting
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  • Die-cast aluminum housing has an impact-resistant, polycarbonate lens which protects the LEDs
  • Sealed against moisture and environmental contaminants
  • Exterior parts are protected by a thermoset powder-coat finish
  • Protective polycarbonate lens covers the light engine's LEDs
  • Light engine consists of two multi-chip, high-output LEDs

  • The popular TDD luminaire is now available with long-lasting, energy-efficient LED technology. Featuring a classic dayform, the TDD LED offers a fresh update to a traditional appearance and is powered by advanced LEDs. The TDD LED luminaire is powerful yet energy efficient, capable of replacing up to a 100W metal halide luminaire while saving up to 84% in energy costs. Offering an expected service life of more than 10 years, the TDD LED eliminates frequent lamp and ballast replacements associated with traditional technologies. The energy savings, long life and easy-to-install design of the TDD LED make it the smart choice for building-and post-mounted doorway, pathway and yard illumination for nearly any facility. Die-cast aluminum housing has an impact-resistant, polycarbonate lens which protects the LEDs. The fixture is sealed against moisture and environmental contaminants. Exterior parts are protected by a thermoset powder-coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A thightly controlled multi-stage process ensures a minimum 2 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peeling.
    Brand: Lithonia Lighting, Model: TDD LED 1 40K 120 PE M4, Color: Grey, Size: 21W

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