Limelights LD1002-ORG Gooseneck Organizer Desk Lamp with iPad Tablet Stand Book Holder, 7.5" x 6.6" x 17.25", Orange

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  • Plastic head and base with organizer and on/off button flip switch for convenience
  • Chrome gooseneck that allows you to point the light in any direction
  • Organizer includes 8 compartments for storing supplies and stand for iPad or book easy viewing
  • Dimensions: l: 7.5X w: 7X h: 17.25
  • Perfect for office, kids room, or college dorm
  • Dimensions: L: 7.5" x W: 7" x H: 17.25"
  • Uses 1 x 15W Type A Medium base bulb (not included). 13W CFL bulb is HIGHLY recommended as it gives off the light of a regular 60W bulb.
  • Style and functionality meet with this fun organizer desk lamp with iPad stand. It is beautifully finished and comes equipped to hold many of the important essentials needed in a desk organizer. The flexible chrome gooseneck allows you to point the light exactly where you need it. ON/OFF flip switch is located on the base for convenience. Organizer includes 8 compartments for storing pens, pencils, paper clips, etc. It also has a spot to rest your iPad, book, or notebook for easy viewing. Perfect for office, kids room, or college dorm!

  • Limelights LD1002-ORG Gooseneck Organizer Desk Lamp with iPad Tablet Stand Book Holder, Orange
    Brand: Limelights, Model: LD1002-ORG, Color: Orange

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