Motion Activated - Light turns on automatically when a moving heat-source is detected, providing bright light for garden pathways, landscaping, decks or stairways
No Outlets or Wires Required - Mounts anywhere and installs easily using the supplied adhesive or screws
Weatherproof & Moisture-resistant - Suitable for use outside, sealed for protection against moisture
LED Floodlight Technology - Provides an ultra-bright, glare free, wide beam of light where you need it most
Extended Battery Life -6 Energy efficient LED bulbs never need replacing. Requires 4 AA batteries (not included)
Illuminate your garden path and landscape with the Fulcrum 6 LED Motion Activated Wireless Light. Mount flat on a path, to the deck or stairs using the mounting plate. No hardwiring or worrying about sunlight for solar products - just load the batteries, mount as desired and enjoy your landscape in the evening. This LED battery operated light is weatherproof and moisture resistant, and is suitable for outside use. Brand: LIGHT IT! by Fulcrum, Model: 20032-308, Color: White, Size: 1 Pack
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