Philips (472027) Hue White Ambiance Smart Light Bulb Starter Kit (4 A19 Bulbs and 1 Bridge, Works with Alexa, HomeKit and Assistant)

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Brand Philips
Model 472027
Color Soft White
Size 4-Bulb Starter Kit

  • Enhance your home with soft white lighting, controlled remotely wherever you are. Set timers and light schedules, automating your lights to make it seem like someone is home even when you are away.
  • With everything you need to get started, this easy-to-use kit comes with four A19 LED smart bulbs, able to fit standard table lamps and the Philips Hue Bridge that can control up to 50 lights.
  • To install, simply screw the smart bulbs into your desired light location, download the Hue mobile app and pair your Hue bridge. Control smart-bulb-equipped lamps and overhead lights via the Philips Hue App.
  • Easily expand your lighting system with accessories (sold separately), such as a Hue Dimmer Switch, Hue Tap, or Hue Motion Sensor.
  • Control your Philips Hue lights with your voice using Alexa, Apple HomeKit, or Google Assistant. Pair it for home automation with your existing Nest or Samsung SmartThings system.

  • Combining energy efficiency with intuitive controls the Philips Hue White A19 Starter Kit changes the way you control and experience light at home. Enhance your home with soft white lighting, controlled remotely wherever you are. Set timers and light schedules, automating your lights to make it seem like someone is home even when you are away. With everything you need to get started, this easy-to-use kit comes with two A19 LED smart bulbs, able to fit standard table lamps and the Philips Hue Bridge that can control up to 50 lights. Install the LED lights as you would install ordinary bulbs. They are pre-paired with the Hue Bridge, which allows you to control smart-bulb-equipped lamps and overhead lights via the Philips Hue App. Easily expand your smart lighting system with Hue accessories (sold separately), such as a Hue Dimmer Switch, Hue Tap, or Hue Motion Sensor. Pair it for automation with your existing Nest or Samsung SmartThings system. With voice control for Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit, or Google Assistant, each kit includes four dimmable White Ambiance A19 bulbs, a Hue Bridge, ethernet cable, power adapter, manual, and three-year warranty.

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