Use excavation tools to explore and dig dinosaur bones out of a block
Build your own glow in the dark dino skeleton
Includes a brush, chisel, dinosaur block, glow in the dark dinosaur skeleton, goggles, growing dinosaur and activity guide
Recommended for children 4 years of age and older
Scientific Explorer My First Dino Kit transforms you into a paleontologist as you lead your own dig and learn important skills. This educational, yet really fun, make-it-yourself kit lets you use excavation tools to explore and dig out a dinosaur block. You'll learn anatomy as you put together a glow-in-the-dark skeleton and impress your friends with a grow-and-shrink a giant dino. This kit is packed with Jurassic facts to encourage creative thought and give you a peek at the big-picture of paleontology. In each of the 3 activities, you'll get to act and think like a scientist; compare things, ask questions and make observations using different senses. Become an expert on the prehistoric past in no time! Includes a brush, chisel, dinosaur block, glow-in-the-dark dinosaur skeleton, goggles, growing dinosaur and activity guide. Recommended for children 4 years of age and older. Brand: Scientific Explorer, Model: 0SA227
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