Connecting education and entertainment, the Safari Ltd Safariology Energy Ball let's you see and experience the fun and fascinating principles of electricity and conductivity. When you touch the ball's metal strips, the ball lights up and creates sound. Make a chain for more interesting discoveries. For ages 7 and up.
Don't tell, and don't just show - get involved with the Safari Ltd's Energy Ball! Fun and amusing science right at your fingertips.
Is great individually or for group activities and demonstrations. Link hands and feel the power and importance of being connected.
Made with the same industry-standard quality of all Safari Ltd products. At Safari Ltd, we believe in toys that teach, and we've created our Safariology collection to promote both.
Measurements are 6.36" x 3.67" x 2.07." Batteries included.
With the Safari Ltd Safariology Energy Ball, science meets fun. The ball is designed to demonstrate the fun and fascinating principles of electricity and conductivity. All you have to do is touch the ball's metal strips. When you do, the ball lights up and creates sound. It's great for group activities and demonstrations or for one-on-one instruction. The Safari Ltd Safariology Energy Ball is made with the same industry-standard quality of all Safari Ltd products. Measurements are 6.36" x 3.67" x 2.07" and batteries are included. For ages 7 and up. Brand: Safari Ltd., Model: 652116
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