Peaceable Kingdom Bright Animal Print Shiny Foil Cover 6.25" Lock and Key, Lined Page Diary for Kids

Peaceable Kingdom
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  • Children love to have a special diary where they can write thoughts, doodles, secrets and wishes!
  • Write or draw all of those special thoughts on the 104 double-sided, colorful, lined pages
  • Gather autographs from camp friends, glue in photos and clippings - the options are endless
  • Then safely keep those precious musings under lock and key to look back on with fond memories
  • Diary measures approximately 5.5" wide x 6.25" high and features shiny foil cover accents; for ages 5 years and older

  • Diaries are for dreaming! Children love a locked book where they can record their private musings, their dreams, their thoughts - even their doodles. Dream, write and imagine the possibilities in this diary featuring 104 double-sided lined pages. Gather autographs from camp friends, glue in photos and clippings - the options are endless. Then when the diary is full, lock it away to look back on this sweet diary with fond memories.

    Since 1983 play has been the heart and soul of Peaceable Kingdom. Silly play, special play, wholehearted play! We create experiences to help kids play well together, so they can play well in the world. Our games and gifts connect kids and families, encourage learning and self-expression and let imaginations soar. And if a piece of your Peacable Kingdom game or gift gets lost in all that fun, we will gladly send you a replacement piece - just contact us directly with your need!

    When play comes from the heart and feeds the soul, that's Peaceable Kingdom!
    Brand: Peaceable Kingdom, Model: 5393, Color: Multicolored

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