Encourages creative learning Kit has everything you need
Field Experiments Galore
Exploring science through real field experiments on a nature walk
Mulitple award-winning science kits that make science fun, educational, and hands-on
All kits are put on the market after it has passed the ulitmate test-approval by multiple teams of Young Scientists
Find animal tracks and fossilize them!Find treasures on a scavenger hunt
Field Experiments Galore! What can be more fun than exploring science through real field experiments on a nature walk Find animal tracks and fossilize them! Find treasures on a scavenger hunt! Make your own compass! Perform leaf chromatography! Make a bug house! This kit includes all the necessary tools such as binoculars, butterfly net, magnifying glass, whistle, chromatography paper, data entry book, plaster, tracking guide, and waist belt pouch to carry some of these items. Put on your shoes and get ready to discover and explore! Brand: The Young Scientists Club, Model: WH-925-1100, Color: multi/none
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