Mudpuppy My First Words Ring Flash Cards

SKU: EZF0735331006
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  • 40-Piece Set - Each of the alphabet's 26 letters are included in the set, along with doubles of more common letters (A, B, D, E, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, and U)
  • Colorful Artwork - Each ABC character has a colorful and fun pattern printed on it using nontoxic inks and illustrated by Flipflop Design
  • 1.75 Inches Tall - The letters measure 1.75 inches in height, making them the perfect size for small children to manipulate
  • Ages 3-7 - Young children can organize the letters or create words using the 40 pieces in this magnetic ABCs set
  • Reclosable Package - When you're done playing with the ABCs, the 40 pieces fit in the package, which has a double-snap enclosure to keep the pieces inside

  • The Mudpuppy 40-Piece Sweet Patterns Magnetic Wooden ABCs Set gives young children the chance to sort letters and to make simple words with colorful uppercase letters. The magnetic letters will adhere to any magnetic surface, such as a refrigerator, creating a fun play area. Each wooden uppercase letter measures 1.75 inches in height, which makes it the perfect size for a younger child's hands. Each piece features a colorful pattern on the front of the wood, as illustrated by Flipflop Design. The wooden pieces each include 80 percent recycled wood in their construction.
    Brand: Mudpuppy, Model: 9780735331006

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