Whimsical design and lighthearted tone get kids excited about learning.
Illustrated activities include picture puzzles, math challenges, tongue-twisters, mazes, seek-and-find pictures, and more.
Developed with educators to support the curriculum of each grade level
120 cards in each set (with multiple questions/activities on each)
Smarty Pants Preschool cards let young kids load up on new facts and fun with a deck of educational games and activities just for them! The cards are colorful, creative and packed with illustrated activities, including picture puzzles, math challenges, tongue-twisters, mazes, seek-and-find pictures and much more. Each card set is thoughtfully developed to suit the learning style and curriculum standards of its age range . . . then spiced up with fresh, lively design and an infusion of humor (including a whimsical pants-shaped case!) to keep kids giggling, engaged and excited about learning. Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 5070, Color: Preschool, Size: ONE SIZE
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