Illuminated Globe - Earth and Star Constellations by Brag

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  • The 2 in 1 Globe is a light up Globe that shoes the Earth and star constellations!
  • The globe itself measures approx 22.8 cm x 22.8 cm
  • On the stand it measures approx 22.8 cm x 35 cm x 25 cm
  • It takes 4 x LR14 batteries (C Cell) which are not included, but can be found on our website
  • Perfect gift or present for your Uncle Niece Nephew Brother Sister Boyfriend Girlfriend Husband Wife Children Teenagers

  • This 2 in 1 Globe is not only a 3D spherical map of the world, but a star guide too! Marvellous science toys for children, teenagers or grown-ups, this light up Globe is out of this world and is both educational and fun!By day, our World Globes show political boundaries, lakes, rivers, capitals and the world's major cities, but at night time it transforms into the sky at night, showing all the star's Latin and common names. A special light-sensitive dial automatically switches on the star constellations as soon as your room becomes dark, making our Illuminated Globes ideal science gifts for everyone who shares an interest in stars and planets.The World Atlas Globe uses batteries for convenience, but you can also attach an AC adapter (not included). It makes a great night light too!Geography and astronomy for kids can be a bit of a mountain to get through if you are encouraging your children to learn about them. This fun educational toy serves to make learning as fascinating as it is factual.
    Brand: Brag, Model: E2001

    Custom Tab 01

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