DuneCraft PW-0110 Indespensible Aloe

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  • Seeds Included. Plant not included.
  • Terrarium with lid
  • Background card
  • Planting stake
  • Gravel

  • Why work for your plants when they can work for you In addition to appealing to your sense of utilitarianism, this hard-working rascal will keep your skin in check with its soothing properties. Grow you own skin soother and air cleaner with Indispensable Aloe! Not only does its sap contain over 200 biologically active compounds that have helped to treat more than 250 human health problems, Aloe is also known for being one of the best air-cleaning plants that exists. Aloe Vera is a plant of many surprises. It looks like a cactus, grows in dry surroundings, but belongs to the lily family. It stays cool and moist where other plants wilt, shutting down its pores to prevent water loss. Aloe is easy to grow and care for; give it a try with this Indispensable Aloe kit that is guaranteed to grow!Contents Include: Terrarium with Lid, Aloe Seeds, Background Card, Stake, Gravel, Planting Mixture and Informational Instruction Guide.Brand: DunecraftGame: Indispensable Aloe Plant KitAge recommendation: 4 and upNumber of players: 1 player
    Brand: DuneCraft, Model: PW-0110

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